• +91 7799887064
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  • binwgl@gmail.com

Centre of Excellence

↓ External Faculty
S. No. Name of the Faculty Designation Name of the Subject
1 Dr.Shyam Sundar Professor Anatomy & Physiology
2 Mr.Siddhu Professor Bio-chemistry
3 Ms.Priyanka Lecturer Microbiology
4 Mr.Ravi Kumar Professor English
5 Ms.Hema Lecturer Management
6 Ms.Tabassum Lecturer Statistics
7 Mr.Rajkumar Professor Statistics
8 Dr.Dhanapali Professor Research
9 Dr.Rajkumar Professor Pharmacology
10 Mr.Nagaraju Dept. of Pharmacology Pharmacology
11 Dr.Rajkumar Professor, Pharm.D Pathology
12 Mr.Devsingh Lecturer, B.Ed. Genetics
13 Mr.Venu Lecturer, B.Ed. Sociology
14 Mrs.Karunasree Lecturer, Management CET
15 Mrs.Nuzrath Lecturer, Management CET